Every day, these smart, passionate people work hard to help Let Me Run reach and inspire as many boys as possible.
"It's incredible to watch a young runner's confidence grow. This activity and sport meant so much to me at a younger age too, and I love to see a new generation fall in love with the active running life."
"I'm a data guy, so I like the time trials and encouraging the boys to improve throughout the season, but really my favorite part is watching their friendships grow through positive interactions."
"As a prevention educator working on college campuses, I too often see the consequences of harmful cultural norms for men. However there are many men who resist those labels and want to talk about healthy manhood and how to support anti-violence efforts. Often times these men talk about wishing they had the support and encouragement to be emotionally authentic when they were younger. That opportunity exists here in Columbus and is available to all boys, which is why I support Let Me Run."
"I am an active person with two (now adult) children. And you probably couldn’t tell by my physical stature, but in my past, I’ve been a collegiate swimmer, swim coach, parent-coach for a variety of other youth sports, and marathon runner. Now I’m very proud to be a pediatrician where, on a daily basis, I see the struggles our children face as they encounter that sometimes stressful transition to young adulthood. Let Me Run is a natural fit!"
Since I was very young I’ve always enjoyed running. I was a sprinter in high school and “discovered” running longer distances once I was in my mid to late twenties. In my mid thirties I took a break from running to do dad things and was a “runner reborn” 15 years later. I currently belong to two running clubs, Black Men Run and Columbus Westside Running Club. The encouragement, friendships and camaraderie that exist in the running community is unique in that the focus is not so much on competition but on personal accomplishments, reaching YOUR goals. Seeing the next generation of runners find and learn to enjoy an activity that can build character while providing a foundation for lifelong physical fitness is something I am proud to be a part of in any way possible.
As the former Regional Director of the LMR Columbus program, I understand the true importance and value of the LMR program and the impact that it can make. When I discovered Let Me Run and the way that it impacts boys, I was immediately drawn to it. I love the mission to educate boys with some of the most important life skills. As a clinician and a mother of two boys, I have always believed in educating them about the importance of their emotions and respecting others. This program teaches boys so many valuable lessons. Most importantly, it encourages boys to be themselves. I am proud to be a part of such a positive and impactful program, and to support the ongoing growth in the Columbus Region!
I am a mom of three boys, seventeen, thirteen, and ten years old. I have been involved in coaching in the program since the 2018-2019 school year. I am a lifelong runner and fan of the sport. I have enjoyed being involved in the running community in many ways throughout the various stages of my life. I believe wholeheartedly in the Let Me Run credo and core principals. I think this kind of program is exactly what boys need in order to develop healthy emotional and physical lifestyle habits. I believe it is so important for boys to learn how to express themselves emotionally as well as how to engage in teamwork and goal setting. This will ultimately build their self-esteem and lead them into adulthood with lifelong skills. Over the past four years, It has brought me great joy to see the transformations in the boys that have gone through the program. I love to see the personal growth that develops over the course of the season. I love to see the boys encouraging, supporting and working together. I have loved seeing the pride as they cross the finish line.
Let Me Run has earned an incredibly special place in my heart because it so harmoniously blends some of my greatest passions and deepest values. From my days as a high school track and cross country runner to rediscovering running more recently, I have come to understand the immense transformative power of this sport on the body, mind, and spirit. Whether I'm cheering on my son's own pursuits in track and cross country, encouraging Let Me Run boys during their afterschool practices, or going for a long run with my wife and friends, running brings me unparalleled fulfillment. Align that with Let Me Run's emphasis on inspiring boys to be true to themselves, fostering genuine friendships, and embracing teamwork, and the LMR mission resonates with me on a very profound level. I firmly believe that nurturing qualities like honesty, kindness, and perseverance, as promoted by Let Me Run, can lead to a brighter and more compassionate world. By contributing to such a meaningful organization, I am not only fueling my love for running but also playing a role in cultivating a healthier and happier future for our young boys, an opportunity for which I feel incredibly fortunate.
Growing up can be tough, especially in a world where digital technology has become the norm of everyday life. Running is a fantastic way to step away from the screens and develop healthy habits from a young age. As a former track athlete, I have experienced first-hand the value of getting outside and being active with my peers. Let Me Run provides young boys with an outlet to burn off energy from being in a classroom all day and prepare for extracurricular involvement in their future. I am thrilled to be a part of an organization that supports boys with their mental and physical well-being at such a crucial age!